Past Exhibitions

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“Finding Your Senses” serves as a catalyst for introspection, empathy, and appreciation of the diverse ways in which humans perceive and experience the world. By fostering a deeper understanding of the mutable nature of sensory perception, the exhibit encourages visitors to embrace differences, cultivate empathy, and celebrate the richness of human experience. The exhibit prompts reflection on how alterations in sensory perception can profoundly affect individuals and communal understanding.




This exhibit explores art as an ongoing process of creation, from when an artist first gathers moments of inspiration for a new piece to the time when a viewer responds to the artwork. When viewers respond to art, they co-create a new conversation and that experience is art in and of itself. A range of mediums are represented: collage, fiber, assemblage, and painting.



Embark on a visual odyssey into the enchanting world of our ocean environment at this regional art show. Featuring top artists from Southern California, the exhibition spans diverse mediums, including photography, fiber arts, paintings, mosaic, assemblage, and collage. Five local poets will also weave ocean-inspired tales during the reception.

Our goal is simple: to invite you to appreciate the ocean through the diverse lenses of these creatives, fostering creative engagement and environmental stewardship. Join us as art meets advocacy, celebrating the beauty and
fragility of our oceans.







Photography unlocks the expanse and diversity of our planet in Front Porch Gallery’s latest exhibit: Wide Angle World. Images captured with wide-angle lenses take visitors on a visual journey through vast landscapes, architectural marvels and immersive environments. Join us and explore the wonder inherent in our world.










Experience the innovative work of prolific artist Cheryl Tall as we welcome her to Front Porch Gallery. This inventive exhibition features Tall’s sculpture, paintings, and artist books, which use metaphor and myth to create surrealistic worlds. Using imaginative techniques, Tall’s work explores a range of topics including social and environmental issues, relationships, nostalgia, inherited histories, and our search for meaning and place. Visit Front Porch Gallery to experience Tall’s work, including her unique pinch coil clay technique.









Experience artistry and craft melded together as we welcome “Neu Glas” to the Front Porch Gallery. This unique exhibition by the Art Glass Association of Southern California merges creative expression with tremendous technique. Multiple displays include prismatic wonders and experimental works of kiln-formed vessels, sculpture, figurative work and abstract creations. You won’t believe your eyes.










Experience timeless techniques and fresh ideas as the Front Porch Gallery celebrates the
time-honored art of bookmaking. This unique exhibit by invited artists features stories as sculptural works, altered books, printmaking and surface design, letterpress printing and bookbinding. When you join us, you will see why the art of bookmaking has no limits










What’s Your Message to the World?

See answers to this question as expressed through unique works by international artists as they connect their universal messages of love, peace, hope and joy along with environmental and deeply personal messages. Front Porch Gallery presents “Lift the Sky,” a global art project that answers this evocative question through an installation of hanging three-part panels consisting of “messages” created in fiber art, paintings, mixed media, collage, and photography.








The desire to create meaning is a life-long impulse that brings new purpose as we age. Featuring the work of Front Porch senior living community  residents, “Creating Meaning” is a reflection of each artist’s unique life journey as it unfolds in a myriad of mediums, including fiber art, painting, and mixed media. This year, we welcome submissions created through the Gallery’s “Kitchen Table Art Project,” an online forum that creates a virtual community of artists. Works include art journaling, photo paint-overs, book arts and more.








Weaving is regarded as one of the world’s oldest surviving crafts. Enjoy a treasury of textiles as Front Porch Gallery celebrates the 70th anniversary of the Palomar Handweavers and Spinners Guild and pays tribute to its founder Bill Rafnel.
Get an up-close look at centuries old weaving, spinning and bobbin lace techniques as well as newly created work by the group’s members. New and antique tabletop and floor looms will also be on display.










Experience a unique collection of paintings, mixed media, photography, fiber arts, sculpture and more at Front Porch Gallery's annual Juried Exhibition. Rich in cultural diversity, this unique collection features artwork created by vibrant, locally and nationally known artistic voices. This year we are honored to welcome mixed media painter Donna Watson as our exhibit curator and juror.










The desire to express oneself is a life-long impulse that brings new purpose. “Our Healing Journey: Expressive Arts Therapy” features the work of cancer patients and caregivers, who express their unique journey of pain and grief in a myriad of multi-dimensional mediums including embellished shoes, torsos, mixed media artwork and book arts. Visit Front Porch Gallery and experience these inspired creative expressions born from the material of our lives.









Celebrate "Renewal" this spring at Front Porch Gallery, where creative minds from Oceanside Museum of Artist's Alliance explore the theme of "transformation" as part of an exciting juried exhibition. Enjoy a journey of wonder, imagination and new beginnings through a broad range of mediums, including painting, photography, sculpture, and mixed media.










Front Porch Gallery invites you to experience Second Act, an eclectic collection of works by artists who found their calling later in life. From those who had long careers in other professions to those returning to a passion from youth - the creative expressions in their work are as unique and varied as the stories that brought them to it. Through a wide range of mediums, including painting, photography, sculpture and mixed media, the exhibit takes the viewer on a journey of creative self-discovery.

Will you have a second act? Come and be inspired!








Creating Meaning / Women's Woven Voices

Join Front Porch Gallery and project founder Brecia Kralovic-Logan for two Zoom meetings when we will learn about this women’s global empowerment project, learn about the story cloths, and find out how you can be a part of this creative and meaningful project where we explore our lives or the life of a woman important to us. The story cloths will be put together creating tapestries which will be exhibited at Front Porch Gallery, then will travel to the communities and finally become part of the larger tapestry to be exhibited at women’s conferences, museums and hopefully the U.N. We invite all Front Porch residents, staff, family, friends and community to share their story and to be part of something larger than ourselves.







Molten: Art Under Fire

The fascination with fire seems ingrained in our DNA. We are drawn to its shapeshifting power: its ability to create and transform even as it destroys. The work featured in Molten: Art Under Fire explores this process in mediums as varied as glass, ceramic, encaustic, enamel, wood burning, metal and resin. Experience the work of these artists who play in this vibrant space where chemistry meets imagination.









Juried Exhibit 2021

Experience a unique collection of paintings, mixed media, photography, fiber arts, sculpture and more at the Front Porch Gallery’s annual Juried Exhibition. Rich in cultural diversity, this unique collection features artwork created by some of the most vibrant, locally and nationally known artistic voices. This year we are honored to welcome Sergio Gomez, MFA, artist, coach and creative entrepreneur, as our exhibit curator and juror.

And for the Foundation copy “Front Porch Gallery is funded by grants from FACT Foundation, Pacific Homes Foundation and Sunny View Foundation. The Gallery is an outreach program of Front Porch.” Please change it to just: Front Porch Gallery is an outreach program of Front Porch.







Perspective Earth: People, Places and Parallels

Extraordinary moments emerge from everyday life in this latest offering from the Front Porch Gallery.  Through the medium of black and white imagery, four exceptional photographers delve into an intimate exploration of both the familiar and the unexpected. Covering a range of genres from landscape and urban scenes to street life and portraiture, the viewer is invited on a journey of exploration and meditation into the world we share.









Tesa Michaels / Avant-Garde
Explore the immersive world of Tesa Michaels in Avant-Garde. Integrating precious and semi-precious stones into painting, sculpture, and home décor, Michaels creates a mesmerizing mixed media landscape full of depth and texture. Recipient of multiple American Art Awards, Michaels’ combination of exceptional technique and innovative vision invites us on a grand journey both as majestic and yet as intimate as our own dreams.









SAQA Exhibit
(Southern California and Southern Nevada)
Here and Now / Now and Then
Discover a tapestry of expressions at Front Porch Gallery's juried exhibit that explores artistic expressions of contemporary art quilts. Here and Now / Now and Then celebrates the awe-inspiring works created by members of Studio Art Quilts Associates (SAQA) from Southern California and Southern Nevada. This unique exhibit features striking pieces that shape ordinary objects into extraordinary human reflections and showcase the artists' interpretation of the theme literally, spiritually, or metaphorically.

Juried by Dr. Sandra Sider, editor for Art Quilt, curator for the Texas Quilt Museum and teacher for
Parsons School of Design in New York.






How do we create meaning in uncertain times? How do we reinvent connection while staying physically apart? Featuring the work of Front Porch retirement community residents, Creating Meaning, takes us on a tour through the process of virtual collaboration and creation. Witness a community-wide quilt project, and various individual expressions of “creativity under quarantine,” all designed by residents in independent living, assisted living, memory care and skilled nursing residences. Come join us on this journey of meaning and hope!









How did they make that? Pushing the boundaries of what is traditionally know as the fiber arts, California Fibers" artists ask the viewer to consider the methods behind their creations. Using a wide range of creative expressions - from weaving and embroidery to sculpture, felting and mixed media - these evocative works, both tactile and conceptual, will inspire curiosity and wonder. The imagination and superb craftmanship of these artworks will astound!









Front Porch Gallery invites you to experience our annual juried exhibition featuring some of the most vibrant and original artistic voices locally and from across the country. Rich in cultural diversity, this unique collection offers a sampling of works in an array of media, including paintings, mixed media, photography, fiber arts, sculpture and more. This year we are honored to have Maria Mingalone, executive director of Oceanside Museum of Art, as our exhibit curator and juror.









Front Porch Gallery invites you to enjoy this uplifting and inspiring pop-up exhibition. These works will light you up! Special thanks go to Wendy Morris from Sophie’s Gallery for helping make this exhibition happen on short notice due to fluctuating scheduling during COVID-19.







Images: Panda by ChaeMin Geum and Doggos by Mark Rimland



Most of us see the world in color, but what happens when that filter is removed? What is revealed? Established in the mid-1980’s, Women in Creative Photography, a group of professional and fine art photographers in the San Diego area, explore the medium of black and white photography where light and shadow take stage and raw human emotions come into stark focus. Experience the work of these diverse and award-winning photographers as they unearth an extraordinary world of timelessness and poetry that lies just beneath the surface of our everyday lives.





Image: Finding Her Way by Barbara Fletcher




The work of contemporary crafters has long challenged the traditional line between art and craft. Since the 1940’s, Allied Craftsmen of San Diego has contributed to this dialogue between form and function and expanded the conversation around modern aesthetics. Working with a variety of mediums including ceramic, furniture, fiber, glass, jewelry and mixed media, this diverse group of artists brings this discussion to life with complex, cutting edge pieces that blur boundaries and defy convention.





Images: left to right  Cheryl Tall, Arline Fisch, Kathleen Mitchell, Paul Henry, Beston Barnett




The desire to create meaning is a life-long impulse that brings new purpose as we age. Featuring the work of Front Porch Retirement Community residents, Creating Meaning is a reflection of each artist’s unique life journey as it unfolds in a myriad of mediums, including: painting, fiber arts, book arts, MessageGrams and collaborative floral mandalas. Enjoy these inspired creative expressions born from the material of our lives.






Image: collaborative floral mandala created by Carlsbad By The Sea residents




To say a picture is worth a thousand words, but what if you had only six? Legend has it that Ernest Hemingway made a bet with friends that he could craft an entire story in six words. Hemingway won the bet with "For sale, baby shoes, never worn."
In a collaboration between Front Porch Gallery and Oceanside Museum of Art, a diverse group of juried photographers explore the intersection of text and image by bringing their own six word stories to life.





Image: Alise Sheehan




The spirit of Aloha comes alive at Front Porch Gallery! Surf boards become medium, muse and metaphor, as these artists breathe the Hawaiian concept of "Aloha" or "divine breath" into their work. With a diverse range of creative expressions including painted, handcrafted and Warhol inspired boards, portraits of surf icons and surf inspired photography. These artists explore the intersection of nature, culture and spirit that in habits the border between land and sea.






Image: James Daigh




Front Porch Gallery invites you to experience our annual juried exhibition featuring art by inspired contemporary artists. Rich in cultural diversity, featuring some of the most vibrant and original artistic voices, this unique collection offers a sampling of works in an array of media, including paintings, mixed media, glass, photography, fiber arts, sculpture and more. We are honored this year to have Nancy Hillis, M.D., acclaimed artist and best selling author of The Artists Journey: Bold Strokes to Create Creativity as our juror.





Image: Catherine Chambers / 1st place winner 2018




Throughout her travels, Linda Anderson has drawn inspiration from moments that "grabbed her heart".  Needle, thread and painted fabric are all brush and canvas to her. They manifest portraits of everyday lives against the backdrop of diverse cultural landscapes. With rich color and exquisite detail, these contemporary fine art quilts are as unique as the individuals portrayed and yet as familiar as the story that lives in all of us.






Image: Linda Anderson




Twelve innovative artists reexamine the space where art is born and communities are formed. Through explorations in sculpture and mixed media these three-dimensional creations redefine process and push the boundaries of cultural and aesthetic expectations. Selections include works in metal, glass, bronze, wood, assemblage, weaving and more. Join us for She Pushes Boundaries, A 3D invitational.





Images: Anne Mudge, Arline Fisch, Cheryl Tall, Catherine Chambers, Judith Parenio, Manuelita Brown, Tesa Michaels, Sally Ault, Susan J. Osborn, Polly Jacobs Giacchina, Susan Hirsch




Come experience San Diego Book Arts: California Natives at Front Porch Gallery and reimagine the "book as object". Taking the theme of "California Natives" as inspiration, these tactile and malleable works explore everything from iconic vegetation and wildlife to the contributions of indigenous and current populations. Through unexpected crafting, binding and material, these works are infused with complex history of our multi-faceted and multicultural landscape, all while challenging form, function and text.





Images: Evelyn La Rosa, Josie Rodriguez, Doria Goocher, Janis Reeser




Art creates purpose, makes connections and builds communities. Join us for Turn, Turn, Turn: A Season or Senior Art, featuring work by Front Porch retirement communities' residents and showcasing selections from residents of Summer House memory care neighborhoods. From paintings and mixed media to photography and collage, this vibrant collection reflects both the diversity or our personal life-journeys and the irrepressible impulse to create that unites us.






Image: Elinor Billings, Carlsbad By The Sea Resident




Earlier Exhibits

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